Handling a Remote Marketing Team: Best Practices

a male author publishing a blog post using a laptop

So you’ve written a book—congrats! The next step is to start marketing it, and if you’re like most authors, you’ll want to do that without breaking the bank. One way to save on marketing costs is to hire a remote team. But how do you manage a group not in the same physical space as you? Here are some tips that might help.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

The first step in managing any team, remote or otherwise, is to set clear goals and expectations. What does your team need to accomplish? By when? Who is responsible for what? Having a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities is essential for keeping any team on track, but it’s even more critical when that team is not in the same place.

You can’t just assume that everyone knows what they need to do—you need to spell it out in as much detail as possible. And don’t forget to set deadlines. A remote team can’t be effective if there’s no sense of urgency.

Of course, you also need to be clear about what you expect regarding results. What metrics will you use to measure success? How often will you check in on progress? Again, this needs to be spelled out from the start.

Communicate Regularly

Since you can’t just pop into your remote team’s office to see how they’re doing, it’s important to establish regular lines of communication. Schedule weekly check-in calls or video chats so everyone knows what’s happening and can ask questions or voice concerns. And don’t forget about the little things—a quick email or chat message can go a long way toward keeping your team feeling connected and appreciated.

Another vital part of communication is feedback. Make sure you’re giving your team members regular feedback on their performance, both positive and negative. This part will help them know what they’re doing well and where they need to improve.

And don’t forget to ask for feedback from your team members as well. They might have suggestions that could make your marketing efforts more effective. After all, they’re the ones doing the work, so they probably have a pretty good idea of what’s working and what’s not.

Take Advantage of Technology

There are lots of great tools out there that can help you manage a remote team effectively. There’s no shortage of options available, from project management software like Asana or Trello to video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Google Hangouts. Experiment with different tools until you find the best work for you and your team.

But don’t forget about the basics, either. A good old-fashioned spreadsheet can be a lifesaver when tracking deadlines, tasks, and progress. And don’t skimp on communication tools like email and instant messaging—they’ll come in handy when you need to ask a quick question or give a quick update.

Encourage Growth Through Training

An online virtual team training can provide your team with the skills they need to succeed, whether learning how to use a new software program or understanding the latest marketing trends.

Many online training providers offer free or low-cost courses, so there’s no excuse not to take advantage of them. You can also find many great free resources online, like blog posts, webinars, and eBooks. Either way, what matters is that you make sure your team members have the opportunity to grow and learn new things. It’ll make them more effective at their jobs and more likely to stick around for the long haul.

But training doesn’t have to be all business—you can also use it as an opportunity to build team morale and cohesion. Consider hosting a virtual happy hour or lunch once a month so everyone can get to know each other better. With today’s technology, there’s no reason why your remote team can’t feel like a close-knit group.

a woman using a laptop showing remote workers

Provide Incentives

Last but certainly not least, don’t forget to provide incentives for a job well done. Whether it’s a bonus, a gift card, or simply some words of appreciation, letting your team members know that you notice and appreciate their hard work is crucial.

A remote marketing team can be a great asset to your business—but only if you take the time to appreciate them. By providing the right incentives, you can keep them motivated and engaged, ensuring that your marketing efforts are as successful as possible.

There’s no doubt that managing a remote marketing team comes with unique challenges. But by following the above strategies, you can overcome those challenges and build a high-performing team that gets results. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today and see the success for yourself.

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