4 Ways Your Publishing House Can Keep Up With Digital Trends

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It’s no secret that the publishing industry is in a state of flux. In recent years, we’ve seen countless traditional publishers close their doors while new digital-first publishers have taken their place. Many of these new publishers are focused on niche markets, quickly gaining traction with readers looking for something different.

Traditional publishers must adopt a few digital-friendly practices to stay relevant and keep up with the competition. Here are some ways to do just that.

1. Make your content accessible on multiple platforms.

Your readers should be able to access your content on their preferred platform, whether a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone. It’s essential to make your content as accessible as possible to reach the broadest possible audience. That means publishing your content in multiple formats (e.g., pdf, epub, Mobi) and making it available on various platforms (e.g., Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook).

Some publishers also make their content available on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. While this isn’t necessary, it can help you reach an even wider audience. But before you start posting your content to social media, it’s essential to understand the platform’s algorithms and how they can impact the visibility of your content.

Plagiarism is also a big issue on social media, so it’s important to ensure that your content is properly attributed and that you have the appropriate rights to post it. You want writers to be compensated for their work, and you don’t want to risk getting sued for copyright infringement.

2. Invest in new printing technologies.

There’s no denying that printed books are becoming less popular, but that doesn’t mean they’re going away entirely. In fact, there’s still a large market for printed books, and many readers prefer them to digital versions. Many traditional publishers are investing in new printing technologies that make printing short runs of books more effortless and cost-effective. This allows publishers to test the market for a particular book before committing to a large print run.

For one, remote printing capabilities make it possible to print books anywhere in the world, which is helpful for publishers with a global reach. They can also print on demand, which means books are only published when there’s an order for them. This helps to avoid excess inventory and warehousing costs.

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3. Use social media to promote your brand and reach new readers.

Social media isn’t just for sharing photos of your latest book release or tweeting out links to your latest blog post—it can also be used to build relationships with other publishing community members and reach new readers who might not otherwise know about your work. Use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to connect with readers and promote your brand. This can help you reach a wider audience and build a loyal following.

For example, you could host a Twitter chat or Facebook live event featuring one of your authors or launch an Instagram giveaway where you give away copies of your latest book release. Many publishers also use social media to run targeted ad campaigns that reach readers interested in similar books. You can use social media to promote your brand, reach new readers, and sell more books.

4. Invest in digital marketing efforts.

You must invest in digital marketing efforts like search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and email marketing to reach new readers. These days, people discover new books through online searches and social media recommendations—so it’s essential to ensure your website and online presence are optimized for discovery. A well-executed digital marketing campaign can help you reach new readers and sell more books.

Depending on your budget, you can do this yourself or hire a digital marketing agency to help you. But before you start spending money on digital marketing, it’s essential to understand how it works and what you can realistically expect to achieve. Don’t forget you’ll also need to invest time in creating high-quality content to help you attract readers to your website and build an engaged audience.

The publishing industry is changing rapidly—but that doesn’t mean traditional publishing houses can’t keep up with the competition. By making your content accessible on multiple platforms, using social media effectively to promote your brand, and investing in digital marketing efforts, you can ensure that your publishing house stays relevant for years to come. It would be best to consider investing in new printing technologies and using social media to reach new readers. With a little effort, you can keep your publishing house up-to-date with the latest trends.

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