Indie Publishing: What You Need To Know

a young female writer with both arms behind her head

The global book market has grown to $88.7 billion in 2022 alone. That means the industry is ripe for entrepreneurs, including those who want to pursue self-publishing. This career is a great way to get your work out without going through the hassle of traditional publishing. However, getting into this competitive market can be overwhelming if you need help knowing where to start.

This blog post will walk you through the basic steps of self-publishing so that you can get your work into the hands of readers as soon as possible.

Work with a reader

The first step in self-publishing is to get your work reviewed by a reader. This step is crucial because it will help determine if your work is ready to be sent to potential distributors.

If you need friends or family willing to read your work, you can always hire a professional editor to take a look at it. This way, you can get a professional opinion on how your work is structured and what areas need to be improved. Allowing others to read and review your work is also a great way to get feedback before you begin publishing.

By working with a reader, you will get valuable feedback that can help determine if and how your work should be revised or edited before publishing. In doing so, you can ensure that your work is ready to be presented to the public.

During this process, be sure not to take criticism personally. Everyone has different views and opinions, so take the feedback you get and use it to make your work better. This way, you can create a better version of your work and succeed more with your self-publishing endeavor.

Seek potential distributors

Once you’ve determined that your work is ready for distribution, the next step is to send out drafts to potential distributors. You should take this step because it will help you determine if you have enough market for your work.

When sending out drafts, include a cover letter outlining your expectations for the relationship. Make sure you know what rights you are granting and what kind of payment structure you want. If your work is accepted, ask for an estimate of the number of copies they wish to distribute.

Having a clear idea of what to expect from your potential partners will make self-publishing easier. So, always do your research before agreeing with a distributor.

Acquire the necessary production permits

Getting permits is essential because it will ensure that your work gets produced legally and ethically. Depending on the type of work you’re self-publishing, you may need to obtain copyright permissions, print permits, or other licenses before proceeding with production.

North American countries are known for their strict requirements in ensuring the safety of businesses. In Canada, for example, the government has set up regulations to guarantee that production is well taken care of and that companies have sound equipment and systems. A valid Canadian Registration Number (CRN) is necessary for businesses using pressurized equipment, which is also present in printing and binding machinery. The CRN serves as proof that the product is designed and produced following the laws and regulations of Canada. It also ensures that all the components are safe and effective.

However, many still ask, “How do I find my CRN number?”. This part is where professionals with enough knowledge about the applicable regulations come in. Companies must file for a CRN number with the Canadian government and provide evidence of compliance with necessary safety standards. This process will be much easier if you have a team of experts who can help you throughout the process.

a photo of a printing machine with pages of printed materials

Invest in your printing and binding equipment

Lastly, it would be best if you had the necessary printing and binding equipment to ensure that your finished product is of the highest quality possible.

If you’re planning on producing many books, it’s worth investing in a professional printer and binding machine. However, if you only need a small number of copies, you can always use a local print shop.

Either way, it’s important to remember that the quality of your finished product should always come first. Quality materials and equipment will help you produce a quality product that will stand out.

In conclusion, self-publishing your work might seem daunting, but with the right tools and resources, it doesn’t have to be. The above steps can help you get started on your self-publishing business and have a successful launch. Remember to take your time, do your research, and never skip any of the necessary steps. This way, you can ensure that you have the highest-quality product and maximize your success.

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